The Offensive Reality

{September 8, 2010}   My Life, My Mess, My Business. End.

Something has been irking the shit out of me lately.  Okay, not just lately, my entire life, but it’s been bubbling up under my skin more recently. Enough I need to get a point out there, and hopefully across to some of you ass wipes.  I know, we haven’t posted in a while.  Don’t think that isn’t because we haven’t been pissy.  It’s mostly just that the things pissing us the hell off we’ve already covered, and if you are like me, I hate to hear dumb asses tell the same story over and over again.  So here’s a new one for you.

Why the fuck can people not keep their goddamn noses to themselves?  I am not talking about close friends.  In my world, I have this inner-circle of people that I share pretty much every fucking aspect of my life with.  And some of them do not even know each other. Some of them I know in person, and some of them I only know through the Internet.  I hope you all know who you are.  These are people in my own little world that I trust to just let it all loose on.  And I’m not talking about things I post openly on the Internet.  If I post something irking me on line, it is open for comment.  I put it out there. I’m talking about these dipshits that you barely know, who blatantly ask you personal things about your life, mostly in the off line world.

There are some things, and some situations I am willing to talk to almost anyone about.  For instance, my domestic violence past.  To a degree that is, I will talk about it.  (Sorry, I got a little Yoda-ish on you there.)  If someone is asking me about this because they want to understand domestic violence better, or because they want to understand and help someone going through it, I’ll gladly discuss it. I want to help people in this situation.  Knowledge is power here. Understanding is power.  Let me help.  But if some fucknut is just trying to dig juicy gossip out of me, I don’t want a fucking part of it.  For almost a year after my ex almost killed me, I was terrified to go into the grocery store.  Every damn time I walked in the building I was stopped by someone I barely knew, or who only knew of me because of my ex, trying to dig details out of me.  I didn’t want to relive that just for their entertainment.

Money is another issue.  My other ex has this idea that he is allowed to tell me what he thinks about my financial situation.  Hell, he even will out and out tell me what to spend money on, and that I need to get out and get a job. Really?   Well shit.  I for some reason believed that I could just sit here on my ass, and all my money worries would just go away.  Pecker head.  I’m constantly trying to find a job.  I did on line training to start up my own damn business, but apparently that isn’t good enough.  I guess I have to give up on anything meaningful and listen to him.  By the way, my business opened this week. Sure, it’s going to take a while for anything to get out there, but it’s here. He also seems to think that he can tell me what to spend my child support on. I’m not some fucking little white trash bimbo, taking her kid’s money and going out drinking.  Every damn penny I get goes into the necessities in this house.  And I so fucking resent some dickhead, who goes out partying in any shape or form, spending his money on hunting supplies, telling me what I should be spending it on.  One day he’ll tell me that it should be helping to pay my bills, and the next day he’ll be saying that it should be used to only buy things for my son.  Oh, and this is the same jackass who thinss $250 a month is more than enough to raise children on.

He’s not the only one.  I have people message me on facebook about personal issues that they heard through the grapevine.  If you only means of conversation with me is an occasional  “like” on a link or status, leave my personal life the fuck alone.  I didn’t post this, so why do you think you have a damn right to ask me about it?

My point people?  Stay the fuck out of my business.  Unless you are in my inner-circle, or I have posted it openly for comment. I swear, everyone’s noses are actually bigger than their damn heads, because they seem to be in the way of everyone else’s lives.

Gossip and Drama seem to be the two things that a lot of people thrive on.  If it’s not drama within their own lives, then they need to get it from other avenues about others.  And living in a smaller town makes you more prone to having others gossip about you than in larger towns.  BUT, don’t get me wrong, larger towns have it much easier these days because of that wonderful invention called INTERNET!

I don’t even need to know a person “IRL” (in real life) to hear the latest gossip about them.  If you have a computer and you put little tid bits of information about yourself out there, it’s like a red flag to the “drama llamas” alerting them to potential gossip that then turns into drama.  I know from personal experience the sort of drama that can come from the online idiots.  I’ve lived it!  Hell, I’ve even had so much stress built up around it that I was physically SICK.

Outside of the internet, I’ve gotten away from a lot of the gossip and drama that use to follow me.  I packed up my shit and moved to a new town 20 minutes away.  I use to live in a town that when I walked out my door, half the town knew about it.  I would get calls from people saying “Hey, what were you doing this afternoon at [insert store location]?”  Now, I’m not sure why it would really be anybody’s business if I were to walk into a place called “toilet paper emporium” but don’t you think you could figure out WHY I was there?  And even if you couldn’t figure out that I was picking up some precious “toilet paper” from said location, why does it matter?  It’s like asking a person why they’re fucking breathing? LIKE YOU COULDN’T FIGURE THAT ONE OUT!!!!

The best type of drama/gossip is when you have people that live an hour away asking you those types of questions!  Now I know they couldn’t have seen me leave my house unless they have me under 24 hr surveillance.  It was like living under a microscope.  I only thought celebrities lived under microscopes but apparently my life is that important that I must fall in that category too.

So the next time you feel that itch to start talking about someone or to cause drama, think to yourself “do you really NEED to do this?” “What purpose does it serve to ME?” and “Does it really matter what they do, and will it hurt me?”  If you REALLY need drama in your life, go watch a god damn soap opera… there is enough crappy drama in an episode of General Hospital or All my Children to satisfy all your needs!

Congratulations!  You have passed Introduction to the Ghetneck and have found yourself being a full-blown DOUCHEBAG!  How can we tell you’ve reached this level of honor?  Fasten your seat belts, because here we go:

Lets face it, you are a fucking stalker.  I know my public pictures are out there for everyone to see, but you take it to another level.  You peruse my pages daily, saving my pictures and sending them back to me with dirty little comments. And not just one. Every single picture I take. Even pictures that I’ve specifically sent to a certain person, which means you were reading my conversations with other people. Now, I know me, and there really isn’t anything extreme in my pictures.  You might get a bra or a nightie shot.  And usually even those are in good taste. Hell, my swimming suits are more revealing than most of my undies. I post them openly. Fine. But taking a picture that I’ve personally sent to a specific person is going a little too far. Yes, you can go to my pages and see them, but they were meant to peak a conversation with that certain someone.  Not you.  Granted, it is flattering, and fun on occasion to have your picture sent back, telling exactly how you make that person feel. I like that every so often. Just not every fucking picture I post.  And not taking a picture that wasn’t meant to be anything more than fun, and turning it perverse.  I will say, however, there are a few people that are allowed to go there.

I am a perverted person. I freely and proudly admit to this.  But not every fucking thing I say is in the gutter.  I have a god damn brain in my head and I do prefer to have that stimulated more than anything.  Sexual talk is all in fun, until every damn thing you say to me becomes just that. Sexual.  In truth, I really only like to be perverted with people I’m comfortable with.  They are my little circle of friends.  Sure, you could be there someday.  But getting to know me is the only way to get to the level where I openly feel thrilled at being in gutter with you.  There has really only been one that I’ve let this side show to from the start.  What can I say? He excites me.  It happens.  But even he will have a non-sexual conversation with me.  And even though our conversations do not happen as often as I’d like, he still has referred to me as one of his “elite.” Hopefully, if he’d ever read this, he’d realize it was him, and you would realize it is not you. The people in this little section of my rant get to break all rules with me.  Friends are awesome when it comes to this.  Maybe you should try that first.

After years of not being allowed to know myself sexually, I’m just learning how to to do this all. I don’t want fucking bombarded by every asshole douchebag who thinks they see an opening.  Most likely if I’m interested in playing around with you on this level, I will respond directly to you. I may even make the first move.  But if you find that I am giving you non sexual responses, or just blowing you off in general, give it up. You’ve probably already turned me off to future fun.  But if I have responded, instigated or already played around with you, hang on, because I’m up for learning…


Ok, I don’t normally have a lot to say because C does a really good job of getting it out there and today is not going to be any different.  The one thing I want to add is this:

When the FUCK did flirting become something where a man or a woman has to be completely disgusting and turn everything you say into some sexually explicit comment?  Even when you say something about rainbows and unicorns they seem to find some way of twisting it around for their sick fucked up fantasy.  Our society has obviously turned into a bunch of horny assholes who don’t know how to treat someone of the opposite sex without making them feel like a god damn piece of meat.

THEN, we have people that think to get to a girls heart, you need to send them pictures of your penis!  Are you fucking serious?  Yes, I know with that great invention called a CELLPHONE that now has a CAMERA it makes it so easy to send pictures to your favorite someone, but does it NEED to be of that little guy in your pants?  Come on, please stop embarrassing yourself.  You realize us girls just get those pictures and pass them around to all our friends so we can laugh at them right???

As someone suggested to me the other night, I think maybe I should start a site where girls can submit all their MMS texts they get from men, trying to show off their manhood to get in a girls pants.

By: Chrissa

Gentlemen, welcome to class. Today we are going to discuss the proper way to pick up just one of those lovely little in your sights. So you’ve decided that these little girls no longer do it for you, and you’d like to try your hand at a real woman. This class is here to show you the proper way at achieving the Ghetneck Douche bag Status.
What is a Ghetneck?  Simple enough you must follow this creed: Talk like a G, live like a redneck. Follow these simple rules, and you should pass with flying colors.

  1. You absolutely must purchase and wear at all times your infamous Ghetneck Glasses. All Ghetneck Glasses come hoe tinted, so all the ladies look like gullible trailer trash, just like you like them.
  2. Forget how to spell. We love it when you use words like “wat” “luv” and anything else that says you just don’t care what people think. Fuck real school. Life is too fun to be stuck in a classroom.
  3. Impress her with all your redneck doings. Suggest she should be out watching the races with you instead of reading a good book.
  4. Tell her how impressed you are with everything she does, including raising her kids on her own. Make sure she knows how strong you think she is, even though you just met her.
  5. Stalk her on line pages. Stare at her pictures, and let her know you are doing this. Tell her how wonderful hers are, and whine how horrible yours are.
  6. Do not forget to let her randomly know she is a hottie.
  7. If you happen to see anything that might show she is a domestic violence survivor, bring it up. Let her know how much you hate men that do that. Let her know you’d kill them for her. Because that is all she wants. Someone else willing to end the violence, with violence.
  8. Tell her she needs a guy in her life. That will make it all better.
  9. Ignore or completely not notice all her little hints. The more oblivious you are to her intentions, or lack of, the better you will fare.

Now that you have this list of rules, let me give you an example of how your very first conversation should go. Pay strict attention to the spelling. Again, this is important when wooing said lady.

A General Conversation

9:17am You:
hi, how are you? I see you live in “various small town” I lived there when I was little

9:18am You:
you look so fimilar

9:18am Lovely Lady:
I’m not bad. You? I’ve lived here on and off for most of my life.

9:20am You:
That is cool wat out in the country.. I’am good just came back from Richmond

9:21am Lovely Lady:
I don’t mind the country, but I am ready for a change.

9:22am You:
lol too lonley there. I have talk to you before just not sure where

9:24am Lovely Lady:
I used to work in at “various restaurant: and then “bar name”. Maybe there.

9:25am You:
that is it.. how is life.. I thought you seemed like a sweet girl

9:28am Lovely Lady:
lol thank you. life isn’t bad. just always the same. You?

9:29am You:
it has been a bumpy ride for me that is for sure.. You seem so down

9:36am Lovely Lady:
Eh, not really. Just fed up with small town. I have alot of good around me.

9:39am You:
glad to hear that.. What all do you do for fun?

9:39am Lovely Lady:
Hiking, yoga, and karate

9:40am You:
you like to be active then me too.. I love to go to alot of different places

9:42am Lovely Lady:
I don’t get to go a lot of places, because my kids are always with me.

9:43am You:
I understand that it is tough to plan things and you are probally very busy withth them.. Are you a single mother?

9:46am Lovely Lady:
yes. just me and my boys here

9:47am You:
I have alot of respect for girls like you.. I don’t know how you do it..

9:49am Lovely Lady:
You just do it. No other choice. I can’t be one of those project type mothers that leave their kids behind while they party.

9:50am You:
lol you are right about that.. There is alot that are like that

9:53am Lovely Lady:
Until I get a job, I don’t even go out. My rules. I can’t live like that.

9:53am You:
you sound like a perfict mother.. I like that..

9:57am You:
the econmy is tough now girl

9:57am Lovely Lady:
it is. So I just worry about getting the boys through it.

9:58am You:
it has to get better sometime soon

10:00am Lovely Lady:
Working on that. With the help of my Sensei and his wife.

10:00am You:
where do you take karote at

10:04am You:
sorry not the best at this hope I’am doing ok

10:09am Lovely Lady:
its okay, I had a phone call
I study at “various Martial Arts School”

10:10am You:
that is cool.. how long have you been doing that?

10:12am You:
you are very cute

10:13am Lovely Lady:
lol Thanks. I’ve been studying over a year. It’s become an obsession.

10:15am You:
does it relax you? your pictures are very nice… mine suck

10:18am Lovely Lady:
Karate relaxes me, and winds me up. I’m bound and determined to rise through the ranks there. With my pics, I just get bored a lot here and play with the camera.

10:19am You:
lol they are nice.. did you look at mine
that is great don’t ever give up

10:22am Lovely Lady:
I haven’t been off my page yet, with phone calls and kid stuff. I have a hard time surfing the net. I’ll get there.

10:23am You:
I know the web can be a pain sometimes

10:27am Lovely Lady:
I get caught up on tech stuff on line, and news blogs. Then I forget about fb and all that

10:28am You:
lol you are on line alot? it is nice to talk to you

10:29am Lovely Lady:
I have it up all day as I’m doing things. It’ll say I’m on line, but I may not be near the computer.

10:30am You:
I see.. I want to get one of those phones that you can do the web on

10:31am Lovely Lady:
I want a smartphone. But that is because I want to be able to surf when I am not at home.

10:32am You:
same here dear.. I just came back from Richmond for the nascar race

10:36am Lovely Lady:
I don’t pay much attention to sports, although I’ve been to races, including Richmont.

10:37am You:
that is cool I go to alot of them.. I understand why you wouldn’t pay attention to sports

10:39am You:

10:41am Lovely Lady:
well, I am more of a nerd. I like SciFi and geek movies. I read a lot. I like to be involved in physical activity. I just do not sit and watch it.

10:42am You:
lol I’am the same. don’t read much need to do that more. love scary movies

10:44am Lovely Lady:
I like horror, but I can’t watch it alot because of the boys. I read a lot. Books, comics. Anything geek related.

10:45am You:
lol I don;t think you are a Geek.. they say oppisites attract

10:46am Lovely Lady:
I am a geek and proud. Lol

10:46am You:
you are very smart

10:48am Lovely Lady:
I just have an interest in smart things.

10:49am You:
I like that

10:50am Lovely Lady:
I’d like to leave this area. Find something that stimulates my mind a bit more.

10:51am You:
me too.. I want to go to Flordia I think or anywhere

10:52am Lovely Lady:
Not me, I want LA.

10:52am You:
LA would be good to girl

10:55am Lovely Lady:
Warm weather, a lot of opportunities.

10:56am You:
yes.. there is there.. do you like to talk to me>

10:57am Lovely Lady:
Sure. I like meeting new people.

10:58am You:
me too it is fun

10:59am You:
you just seem like someone I want to get to know better

11:05am Lovely Lady:
I spend a lot of time talking on line, but outside of it, I am not away from kids. Hazard of being a single unemployed mom.

11:05am You:
you need a guy maybe in your life?

11:08am Lovely Lady:
Haha, I don’t know about that. I do not date right now.

11:09am You:
may I ask why

11:10am Lovely Lady:
Just trying to learn to do it on my own, before I add anyone else in it. I’m a single, unemployed mother who came out of a really bad relationship 2 years ago.

11:11am You:
aww so sorry to hear that.. abusive suks

11:12am Lovely Lady:
yep. Hence the karate starting.

11:13am You:
that is fucking wrong I get so pissed about that.. you should never put your hands on a women..

11:14am Lovely Lady:
Well, and no one will again.

11:15am You:
I would have killed him for that..

11:16am Lovely Lady:
yeah well, I’m well protected now.

11:18am You:
I have to go be on a little

11:21am You is offline.

11:35am You:
talk to you latr

So there you have it. Just follow this example, and you are on your way to being a Douchebag Ghetneck.

~Seriously Ladies and Gentlemen, does this fucking shit work on any real people?!! I think I need to go take a hot shower, and find a stiff drink.

By: Lori

I’ll let you in on a little secret, gentlemen…  You want to get in my pants?  Get in my head.

I have a thing for geeks.  There is a reason for that.  They aren’t afraid to let me see their big, huge INTELLECTS.  I suppose that there are women out there who fall for the Ghetneck.  I am not one of them.  I like my men smart.  I like them funny.  I like them on the sarcastic side.  And let’s face it, good sarcasm is hard to accomplish if you don’t have the brains to back it up.

If a man can tickle my curiosity and make me think?  Let’s just say that there is a higher than average chance that he’ll get to tickle other things and make me… uh, yeah.*KdkS*5nDRqavQxUmY_/intelligence.jpgI’m not asking that a guy be a genius.  I’m asking for a conversation.  One that is two-sided and one where it doesn’t seem like all you’re doing is paying lip service (or type service) to what I’m saying so that you can interject clever quips like, “did u look at my pics”.  No woman wants a know-it-all, or a guy that is going to look down their noses at us.  But if a guy can’t even carry on the simplest of conversations without making it clear there is an ulterior motive, then for fuck sake, just don’t bother me.

If I’m someone that you think you want to get to know, you’ll do something more than hit me up with a “whassup” and a “wat u wearin”.  Otherwise my likely reply will be “STFU & GFY”.

You want me to think about you?  Make me think.

I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.
Mmm…  Now we’re talking.


By: Femaleprodigy

You would think by this time, I wouldn’t have anything to add to Lori and Chrissa’s posts… Ye’ of little faith my small minded little douchebag Ghetnecks!

To really make that little lady of yours feel special, make sure to make her feel like a piece of meat.  Make sure to check out her ass and tits at any given moment when you are with her and make sure to talk about tits and ass when you are not with them.  If you are with them and would really like to kick it up a notch, you can smack her ass and grab her tits at any given moment.  No time is a bad time to do this!

While washing dishes… SMACK HER ASS
While taking a shower… reach around the shower curtain and grab her tits
While grocery shopping… Smack her ass and grab her tits!

See, there is never a time when you should feel this is inappropriate.


Sometimes I wonder if men really think this is a great way to pick up women.  Or is it only around here? NO, it can’t be.  I spoke to an individual that doesn’t live around here and actually lives on the opposite coast and he said that men  there act this way too.  When did it become common practice to act this way to try and pick up a woman.

Do you actually think that 85% of us fall for this bullshit?  (Yes, there are those 15% that really will fall for it, but that percentage is usually an exception and I won’t even try to explain who they are).  Get with the program gentlemen… We want mature men who can stimulate our minds as well as our bodies! I think from the sample conversation above, my IQ dropped.  I suddenly feel drool coming out of my mouth as I sit here with a stupid look on my face going DUHHHH!!

Chrissarella – You can also find Chrissa on her other blog at A little Wicked

Loripop326 – You can also find Lori on her blog at Oh, Shit… She’s awake

Femaleprodigy – You can also find Femaleprodigy on her blog at Random Jess

So yeah, friends, aren’t they wonderful? They are they for you to bitch and whine too, they are there for you to run mouth too. Hell the real friends are there to smack you upside your head when you are totally fucking up.

And then there are “those” friends. Yeah, you know them. The fucking douche bags that you put your emotions and trust in only to wind up on the back burner of their lives, without a clue as to why. There was this little article or something I read once called Reasons. In short it said that some people were in your life for a Season, some people for a Reason, and some for a Lifetime. These fake friends, they don’t fit in anywhere. Yet, we still fucking jump through hoops when they decide to pop up.

For some it happens as they fall in and out of  “love.” When they have their attentions focused in another direction, you don’t exist. Unless of course the dark waters are churning. If they are unhappy for a second, your back on the radar. And then suddenly they are gone once again and you are in limbo. Because all is right as rain in paradise. Don’t get me fucking wrong. I don’t wish anyone unhappiness, and I definitely hope my friends find awesome love. But when that love comes with misery, lying, sneaking and ignoring friends, well hell, maybe you are meant to be. And not on my give another fucking thought to list.

Then you get these pecker head needy friends. You know, the fuckers that only come around when they think they can get something from you. Not even just material somethings. Maybe all their other shithead friends are off ignoring them with their “special” someones, so you are all that is left with an arm to twist. These are the ones that you know damn well never to say anything somewhat personal to, or you’ll live to regret it. That person you mention that is hot, suddenly now thinks you are stalking him or her.  Your douche bag ex you decided to let off some steam on, now knows that you wonder how the hell you ever thought he or she was attractive, and that sex with them made you fear sex for a long time afterwards. But, you slip. You always do. You get caught up in that moment, and there it goes like a bat out of hell, and you find yourself slipping down where said bat came from.

Then you have the ones that fuck your feelings up the most. These are the ones that you let in closer to than you normally let others. And usually quicker than  normal as well.  You trust them. You love them to death. You tell them everything, and you are told that they do the same. Then one day, where the fuck did they go? You try once or twice to find out what is going on, or keep in contact, but to no avail. Sure, they still have you on their so-called friend list, but you also see about 10 other individuals on that list you’ve heard them bitching about. So then, do they run to those people and bitch about all the rest?

If you are like me, you are a fucking idiot. Because pride would tell you to suck it, get over, fuck them, they aren’t worth it. Pride tells me that. Then this stupid fucking softy side of me (yes, I have one of those. Actually, I’m pretty much all of one of those.) breaks down the moment they call, text, email, whatever, and jumps right back in. Why? Who the fuck knows.

Maybe that is why I’m writing this. So I’d say, if you see yourself in this at all, maybe you need to either “shit or get off the pot.” Take me the hell off your back burner one way or another. Oh, and have a fucking backbone and tell me the hell why.

I’m off to finish my Starbucks Ice Cream now.

background.jpg Fake friends image by la_guera87Those “real friends” are the ones that you can go weeks or even months without speaking and when you finally do talk, its like you never skipped a beat.  I have a friend like that!  Her name is Heather (yes Chrissa is a real friend, don’t get me wrong but I talk to her all the time and I love her).. She knows who she is, and recently she moved back to our hometown and I couldn’t be happier!  Sure we’ve had our moments where we were mad at each other, but those moments didn’t break our friendship.  We’ve shared some of our most embarrassing moments with each other and hell, the other day along with our friend Megan, we sat in Starbucks in State College, PA talking for two hours.  TWO HOURS!!  It didn’t even feel like it was that long.  What my point is, is that you know who those real friends.  They don’t leave you when times are down.  They don’t come back to you when you are a “last resort”.  They don’t run their mouths about you, and they keep your secrets!

I sit back some days and think to myself “WHY the fuck do I deal with those people that hurt me the most?”  Yes, I have friends that can be considered fake.  I’m sure they wouldn’t even realize I’m talking about them if they were to read this.  Those friends would read this and dismiss it as being “not about them”.  You then realize that the reason they don’t know it, is because they are either self absorbed or either they really are that stupid!  So why do I keep them around?? I have no idea!!  Which brings me to something else about fake & real friends.

Have you ever read those “forwards” on facebook/myspace/txt/ect that talk about real friends and fake friends and that if you are a REAL friend you would forward it to all your friends… NO!  A real friend would be there with you or on the phone with you catching up rather then posting pointless crap on those social networks wasting your time reading the shit!  A real friend would be facebook chatting with you or posting pictures of their children to share with those real friends.  A real friend would be updating you via facebook/myspace/txt/ect about what is going on and if it were a post that sounded like you were down, that friend would then call or message you to find out how you are doing.  I don’t need to post pointless forward to figure out who my REAL friends are, and if you feel you do… they you don’t really know who those real friends are..(or you really need that ego boost by watching all your “friends” repost your shitty forward… narcissistic much?)

So get off your ass and off your computer and CALL YOUR FRIENDS! Let them know how much they mean to you and catch up with them!  Make plans, do things, and make time for fun times with them… who knows when that “last time” will be.  Live for today and make each day count!

I’m going to go call my friend now…

Is it just me, or have parents become more ignorant fucks over the last few decades?  I’ll never claim to be the perfect mom. I do my best and we learn from that. But come on, common sense should just be there!  I am sure I do things that those “plastic bubble” parents would fly into a raise-all-hell frenzy over, but my kids are safe. I’m not one of those people who constantly coddles and swaddles her kids in bubble wrap.  But there are two extremes here. In a previous blog ( ) I talked about those kinds of parents that drive you up a fucking wall with the over protecting. Today Ladies and Gentlemen, we are going to talk about the dumbshits that we are shocked to see their kids grow up to be adults. Most likely, not even “normal” adults.

Lets start with entertainment. Movies, video games. I am an addict of both. When it comes to video games, I am cautious what my kids see and play. Anything I have about an E rating is up on a shelf they can’t get to. But I know some assholes that think it is funny to hear their 3 year old quote lines from Grand Theft Auto. I think this is truly disturbing. I believe the worst my sons see here at home is a little Super Smash Brothers. And just what is wrong with Mario bashing the hell out of Link? Nothing. As long as he is using a Flower to do so. But, he has come home from visiting, talking about some seriously rated M games. He’ll point them out to me in stores. He’ll talk about blowing this guys leg off, or watching the blood explode everywhere. Hello? He is 6!
Movies are a bit touchier with me. I love anything that has gore, sex, horror, and violence. But I’d never watch them around kids. It’s called responsibility. My kids have my same taste in dark movies. We watch all sorts of stuff. My two year olds are starting to quote Ghostbusters. And let’s not get started on Star Wars. My oldest even has a severe fascination with Army of Darkness. Yes. I let him watch it. This was iffy, and it took a few weeks of talking before I let it happen. But in all honesty, there isn’t much cursing or anything for that part. He likes the funny “bone guys.” He knows the curse words are bad, and that you don’t say them. However, I would never let him watch the first two Evil Deads. I know his limits. This weekend he comes home though telling me about a zombie movie he watched. He had been allowed to watch Zombieland. What. The. Fucking. Hell?!!  Okay, zombie wise, no big deal. He can handle that. But the content of that movie is just a little more adult than I’d prefer to have my kindergarten son watch. There are zombie women running around with their half eaten breasts hanging out. There is a hell of a lot more cursing in that movie. What the fuck goes through people’s heads?  How could you think that this is acceptable for anyone under age? I prefer to make the choice of what my son can watch. It seems to me that this should be a given. It’s just as bad these parents that take their children into adult movies just so they can see them.  Find a fucking babysitter.  Then again, you are probably the same ass wipes that prop your child in front of the TV as a sitter. And those of you, who go to a movie, find it more adult than you thought, and then bitch to the world around about how inappropriate it was? Fuck off! Watch the fucking movie yourself before you take your child. Test the damn waters. Would you plop your child in a bathtub without checking the water first? Unless it is rated G, assume you need to see it first. That is what the fucking rating system is for. My 6 year old was taken to see Avatar in the theaters before I’d been able to see it myself. Luckily, once I saw the movie, I didn’t see much that I didn’t think he couldn’t deal with. But it pissed me off that because someone else wanted to see it so bad, and was stuck with the kids for a night, dragged them along. The 6 year old and I fight non-stop of South Park. I caught him watching it one night. It went off immediately. Now we are in a continuous battle over it. He wants to see it. It’s a cartoon after all. And forget trying to explain “adult cartoon” to a child. This just does not compute. But I hold my ground. Simpson’s TV show? Sure. Simpson’s movie? Hell no. Comic book movie? Fuck yes! Comic book movies like Sin City, The Punisher, or The Crow. FUCK NO!  See, I can be reasonable. Mostly.

I know you are sitting there, going “listen to her, she fucking curses, talks about sexual frustration, and what she’d do to geeky men if she had her chance, how can she say she is a good parent?” Well, again use your fucking common sense. This is my outlet. You think I would talk like that in front of my kids? Hell no. Sure, there is an occasion when a curse slips out. Human nature. Usually, I turn red, look at my son, he’ll look at me and go “Uh-oh Mommy.” Then we laugh. In all honesty, I’ve only heard my kids utter one curse word they could have gotten from me. Damn. And trust me, they know how that word works, and where. But sometimes I’ll hear something slip, and think, “where the hell did they hear that?” Of course, I know who in our lives says those words. Everyone slips. It’s when you are doing it consciously, and even think it is funny when your child repeats it. Me? I get embarrassed as all hell when my kid slips. I feel everyone nearby is judging me.

Where am I going with this? Fuck if I know. I just was pissed off when my son came home and said he’d watched Zombieland. And I needed to fucking let my mouth go.


My children are a bit older and I have another thing to bitch about.  Miley Cyrus!!!  Okay maybe not her in general but her clothing line.

Let’s back up a little and get some backstory here.  I of course am a slender tall woman and of course I have a daughter that is also slender and tall.  At the age of 11 she is currently in the Juniors section of clothing stores.  She can fit her tiny ass into a size 0-1 so this makes it hard for me to shop for her.  We can go to the girls section but because her legs are so long and stuff that she just can’t wear it long enough to be worth the money.  So we moved to the juniors section.  During the Easter holiday I decided to get her an outfit for spring/summer.  I started looking for a pair of shorts and was shocked to see the clothing section of walmart.  Sure, I would have gone to another store but lets see…. the only other place to get reasonably priced clothing around here is at K-Mart… and our local K-Mart is pretty desolate and empty.  I was in this section of clothing looking at the skankiest shit in the world.  You mean to tell me that it is acceptable for children and young teens to wear shorts that show the bottom of their ass?  OH wait, that’s right… in this area YES it is, but NOT for my children.

The great thing about my daughter is that sports are more important to her then boys.  She would rather wear the sweatshirts and t-shirts with capri’s.  But there are some out there that think their children can wear this stuff and nobody is going to say anything.  Do they realize that people make comments about it when they see your 16/17 yr old daughter in shorts w/ their ass hanging out?  Do you realize that there are some perverts out there staring at your daughters ass as it hangs out?  And lastly, do you realize that letting your daughter over sexualize her looks doubles the chances of her having sex at an early age?  OH you didn’t realize that?  Well, hello… I’m going to let you in on a little secret there sunshine… SHE’S PROBABLY ALREADY HAD SEX BY THE AGE OF 15!!!  I think maybe its time to become an active participant in your child’s life before it’s too late!

What are your thoughts on parents that could give a shit about “age appropriate” thing for their children?

{March 31, 2010}   Geeky Men

Okay people, here it is plain and simple. I want to know where all these fucking sexy GEEK men are? I know they are out there. I mean glory be to twitter for putting them right there in my face, and sending my sexual frustration into maximum overdrive. Every fucking day. But guess what? They aren’t HERE. As in, in my little ass Eastern county, little shit town. As in they aren’t here, sitting in my living room, in their boxer briefs, playing video games and watching Star Wars with me. For some reason, they all seem to be on the West Coast. Tormenting me in every way possible. TV is horrible for putting these thoughts in our heads as well. I mean come on! Logan from Dark Angel. Xander from Buffy. And that sexy dude in Live Free or Die Hard?!

Rob Sheridan

What makes these men fit this bill? Well, try and keep up.

Clothing is optional. Sure, I prefer your jeans and tee-shirts. Specifically if they have geeky logos, Mario, Toad or any of the likes on them. But, lets be honest, if we are sitting here battling it out in Star Wars Legos, the less the better for those breaks in between each Episode we conquer. As much as I like swinging a lightsaber at all the oncoming Stormtroopers, it probably isn’t the top most thought in my head.

And the video games? I don’t want some fucking douche who’s idea of wielding a controller is popping in Cabella’s Big Game Hunt. I live in a redneck area, and I damn well don’t care to see your 8-point rack on the wall, while watching you blast through all your illegal does on my big tv. Instead, I want the man who is going to be able to lead me through the land of Hyrule and know exactly which of Link’s melodies need to be played on his flute. You dude, might be lucky if you keep your shorts on until we reach the Ocorina.

After we’ve burnt out the buttons on the controller, there is nothing sexier than a man who’d rather put in Science Fiction, or any B-rated horror movie. Fuck those stupid sporting shows and movies. I want to see galaxies far, far away, Middle Earth, Narnia and Fantasia. I want to see him get excited over lightsaber battles, kidnapping Santa Claus, ROUSes and Giant ass Hobbit eatting Spiders.

Now before you go jumping the gun, getting all excited because you think you see yourself here, there is one last item on this list of criteria.

Brains. Yeah, you better have some fucking wit and sense buried in there somewhere. Now, I’m not a rocket scientist, as they say. But I’m not some dumbass redneck bimbo either. I like when you talk about your computer, your iPhone, your fancy cameras, and that wonderful gadgetry. I like your vocabulary that ranges above a high school freshman’s. Personally, if I don’t have half a clue as to what you are talking about, I’m turned on in so many ways that you’d probably blush. I love the thought that I can learn from you. I love the thought that you are smart. And I love the thought that being intellegent, your mind is probably open to a life of possibilities and options. And that mind is probably the sexiest fucking thing you can bring to the table. Or bed.

All you movie star loving women out there can keep your Brad Pitt, Gerald Butler, and Johnny Depp. (Well, okay, I’ll keep Johnny Depp. Pirates are just as sexy.) I’ll stick to perusing the world of the internet for the real men.


Okay Chrissa touched on the TV series hotties and I am going to take you on a trip down the WEB SERIES lane of super hotties that just make me go YUMMY!

Most of you are going to freak out saying “OMG, I can’t believe this girl likes Lonelygirl15” but come on… what red blooded female wouldn’t want to jump on the LG15 (KateModern) bandwagon just to get a taste of this? So, instead of words, I give you photographic evidence of some of the yummiest pieces of geek out there! (in my opinion of course… but then again Rob is one super fine hot geek too)

In order of appearance: Jackson Davis (Jonas), Andrew Strouthos (Xavier), James Olds (Bray), Craig Coyne (Carl), Maxwell Glick (Spencer), Giles Alderson (Steve), Yousef Abu-Taleb (Daniel), Brett Ryback (Reed), Austin McConnell (Mason), Ralf Little (Gavin), Jai Rajani (Tariq)

Okay, I’ve probably overloaded your brains with all these man (and there are many more)… and if you are as sexually frustrated as Chrissa over there then you are doomed!  Yes the Lonelygirl15 universe has pretty much every kind of geek sexiness you can imagine!  So diss it all you want, but I’ve talked to some of these characters “in-game” and “out-of-game” and they are just as yummy out of character as they are in!

You know what? Screw the sexually frustrated.. I want to share more eye candy! So here you go! (a little bit of something for EVERYONE…)

Photo of ~Mitch~File:DrHartChar-Square.jpgFile:VirgilChar-Square.jpgFile:Beaumont.jpgFile:S2 Icon - Lee.jpgFile:TerrenceChar-Square.jpgFile:KM230-Rupert-cropped-recolored.jpgFile:S2 Toe char.jpg File:Bartek-tempav2.jpgFile:Ursyn-rough.jpgFile:Daniel-av.jpgFile:Natan-av.jpgFile:Rafal-av.jpg

just too many names to list right now… DM me if you want to know more about them!

{February 15, 2010}   Sexual Frustrations

Today Ladies and Gentlemen we are going to talk about sexual frustration. Yeah, that’s right. That big pain in the… well, you know where it pains you.

I’ve heard where the more sex you have, the more you want it. Well, after being single for quite sometime now, I’m of the firm belief that “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” I think my brain must have a male component there somewhere, because I’m fucking worse than any man for letting my mind wonder to that train of thought. Honestly, it doesn’t take much anymore to get my head spinning into that wonderful gutter.

Now, I know what you are thinking, so go get your groove on. Hey, if that is your thing, awesome for you. I know that I can’t just randomly hook up with someone I have no interest in being with otherwise. It isn’t some stupid moral thing. I know me, and the big ball of emotions churning in me makes that a little too complicated. I just can’t deal with the after effect of feelings, to get that must have now gratification.

And sex is everywhere. I’m not complaining, mind you. I think it is fucking ridiculous all the asswipes that get so offended over stupid little shit. I don’t go in search of it, it is put directly infront of me, through text messages, twitter, emails and the like. It’s enough to make a woman want to find the nearest “Wack shack” and stock up on all the favorites. And I know it isn’t just me. I can’t be alone in this torturous, yet somewhat exhilarating battle.

Having kids makes it difficult dating. Not because nobody wants to date a Mommy. But your options become limited. Whoever decides to date me, better sure as hell be prepared to be spending time with my kids too, and want to as well. Add in the money factor. I’ll admit it. I’m broke. And I can’t stand the thought of someone else having to pick up every little fucking tab, and take responsibility for everything we do.

All I can say is that when that person comes into my life, they better have some fucking energy. Because all these pent up urges are going to have to come out at some time. And they better be able to keep up with me… because so far, I haven’t found that person yet who isn’t so concerned with themselves that they know how to rock my world.

Okay then.  I need some time to myself now…

{February 15, 2010}   Opinions and Assholes

I am of the opinion today, that people have just plain lost their fucking minds. Or more, perhaps they think their minds are all that matter. We’ve all heard the phrase “opinions are like assholes, and everybody has one.” This is true. Some people are paid to give their opinions, just like some people are paid to “bare their behinds.” Considering that I am not a psychologist, model or porn star, and neither is 99% of the people in this world, these are things we should just keep to our fucking selves. Unless asked by someone special in our own little private place in the world, leave it to the people who do it well, god love them. I know what you are thinking: So why the hell do you write a blog? Well, by coming here to read me, you in a way asked my opinion. You wanted to know what this was all about. I didn’t force you here. I appreciate you reading, but if you don’t like it, don’t fucking read me. Free will. So here we go…

People fucking irk me who criticize other’s artwork, and attack those who enjoy said works. Any shape or form, from movies, drawings, writings and so on. Are you a professional critic? Siskel and Ebert? Wait? One of them is gone. Ebert and Roeper. Didn’t think so. Just because you don’t like a movie, doesn’t mean a million other people also don’t. I watch a frigging movie to escape. I just want entertained. What entertains me, may not you. Here is one that just drives me fucking crazy. Star Wars. I’m a freakin’ Star Wars ADDICT. I love Star Wars in any shape or form. Including the newer movies. Yeah, that’s right. I think the are great. I get so sick of hearing all these so-called “fans” bashing George Lucas over the new movies. They are HIS movies. And I think he followed the story pretty damn well. Yes, he blew everyone’s minds with the technology he used in the 70’s. What did you expect now? Was he to just pull some off the wall shit out of his ass? (Heh, no pun intended.) Get off the dude’s back!

Tim Burton is another I simply love to watch. But lately I’ve heard people bitching a blue streak (what the fuck does that mean anyway? Bitching a blue streak?) about how his work is disappointing now. Really? Because I still think he has the creepy, dark and disturbing edge that hooked me in the beginning. I cannot wait until Alice in Wonderland comes out. And Dark Shadows? Hell yes!

How about books? Everyone is trashing Stephanie Meyer for her “sparkly” vampires. Well you know what? I think she is a fucking genious. She took a story that people have been writing about for years and years, always pretty much telling the same damn story over and over again. I mean, come on, we know the rules of vampires, how many different ways can you tell it? She took this long running story, and came up with a totally original angle. I think that is pretty damn smart.

Recently, thanks be to Twitter, I stumbled upon Rob Sheridan’s work. I think I’d love to cover all my walls in his drawings and photos. If your like me, check it out: I like dark stuff. Everyone interprets things differently. I don’t necessarily see dark as morbid. But some people I know seem to think that I am totally screwed up in the head for this. Okay fine. You don’t like it. I am not screwed up, or fucking dumb for liking the things I like. I think he is fucking brilliant. We wont even get into the incredibly sexy… and well, never mind. Maybe you like Monet. Personally, there is some artists, artwork, and movies out there that I feel are the most stupid things to cross my path. Some others don’t. I’m not going to criticize them for it. Except Jess, who I constantly pick on for not being a Star Wars fan.

Now, what about you assholes that think you have the right to make assumptions of people, just based on what you see. Take me for example. Thank you God, I look a hell of a lot younger than I really am. Hell, I get carded trying to buy R-rated movies. People see me with my kids and atomically assume I’m some little girl who jumped in head first. I’ve gotten lectures from complete strangers about how I should not have been a baby having babies. I was fucking 25 when my oldest was born. I was out with my grandmother the other day and a girl walked by with pink streaks in her hair. My grandmother went off about how horrible that was and blah blah blah. Well gee, thanks. Guess she forgot 10 years ago when my hair was so Manic Panic red that some called it pink. I was pretty damn punk. Still have the piercings to prove it. Am I a horrible person? You can keep that opinion to yourself. She felt this girl must be a drug addict, criminal and all else that is wrong with our world. Stereotyping is fucking stupid, people. Remember that cheesy saying “when you assume, you make and an ass out of you and me?” Yes, I know. We ALL judge. I do it too. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to let that thought out of my head. Well, until I get to my phone and call one of about three people. Yep, I’ve said it before, that is what friends are for. I’d not make a public display of it.

Do I need to keep stressing my point here? You aren’t that thick skulled are you? Lighten up. People are different. How fucking boring would it be if we weren’t? Here it is: if you give your shit for brained opinion without prompting, you are in fact an asshole.

{December 7, 2009}   Talk Is Cheap

What the freaking hell people?!! Does nobody speak or type “normal” anymore? Talk is cheap today, and in that I mean, people sound cheap and ignorant. Maybe, at 31, I’ve just become to old. I don’t get it. Okay, there are some grey areas when playing around with lingo. My friends and I will jokingly say something to each other. Fine. Joke, laugh, play. But if you are trying to have a serious conversation with someone, JUST TALK REAL!

A few years ago I was hanging around with an old friend. We were talking about things in our lives when she says to me “I haven’t had shautty (sp?!!!) in a minute!” What the hell is that? Sounds to me like you haven’t been shot or shot at in the last 60 seconds. I come to find out that she meant she hadn’t had sex in a long time. Why the fuck didn’t she just say that?! I mean, seriously! When I didn’t have a clue as to what she was talking about, she said “you grew up in the country, you just don’t get it.” Okay, true. But wait just a fucking second here!!! “Didn’t you grow up on the farm 10 miles down the road from me?!”

Then, the other day as I was feeding my obsession that is Twitter, some dude tweets me. I’m always up for new friends! I love talking to people! But this was an instant downer: Hey bby grl! Waz up! You iz fine. OH.MY.GOD. Again, I joke around with my friends saying all kinds of goofy shit. But if I was somewhat interested in meeting someone new to talk to, I’d never, and I mean never start off the conversation this way. You sound like a real brain. Lets date. Sure.

The one that irks me the most, however, is the person who has wants to leave their opinion about some topic. You are reading an article. You have a thought flow through your head. You want to make your point too. So you scroll down to the comment section. Then you write this:

Focus lady. Roman Polanski had a mother, like you, drop off her little girl, probably thinking she hit the jackpot, at Jack Nicholson’s house!! Then, he gave her a Rufee and fcked her in the azz. She was 13. 13, get it? There is no time in history when fckging a 13 year old girl in the azz, is acceptable. All the ‘what about this and that’ is simply something of a collective subject matter that you should put on paper, roll, and stuff in your azz. Then, while you are stuffed, go visit a rape clinic. You make stupid look like a state of higher education. You are cut in the mold of the do-gooders of the past 30 years who fcked Americans’ in the azz because you push your fcked up values through the courts. Now we all suffer from political correctness and numbed to life.

– Harlan Letterman

Read more:

Are you fucking kidding me?! You have a good point. But right there with the replacing the s with the z, you just dropped the impact of your statement way below intellegent. Infact I think my IQ dropped to half just from having to read that shit. And this is just the beginning. I know I make spelling mistakes here and there. But some of the fucked (yes, there is a u in there) up shit that is written on these sites drives me up a wall. You make all of us adults, parents, humans, extremely proud. I am sure the author of this article is going to take your aSS seriously.

I could go on and on about this subject. But I’m sure you are “prolly findin some n00b 2 try and get wit n woo herz wit ur mad skillz.”


‘/34|-| j00Z $|-|0ULD r34LL’/ L34r|\| |-|0\/\/ 70 $P34|< pr0P3r 3|\|9L1$|-|!

and if you can’t read that… you isn’t l33t or l337 or 1337 (whichever you prefer)!!!

The funny thin’ iz, when ya speak like dis here ya really sound like uh dumbass. Who can take ya seriously jivin’ like dis here? Do ya really th’o’t dis here iz proper English? Where did ya jet ta fucking skoo? Did yo’ ass even graduate?

Amen ta Ebonics Translators (because I sure as hell couldn’t actually type like dis here without it)! Jus’ like Orenthawl James. (okay the Orenthawl James part made me laugh because I didn’t type that in the box to translate.. too funny)

OK, I’m done.. I don’t think I could ever really talk like that and keep a straight face.  I think maybe I’ve become retarded just by copying and pasting that shit! UGH… I need to go read Pride and Prejudice just to fix this problem!

{November 1, 2009}   Drama Drama Drama

Get a life people. Preferably your own! I mean seriously, are you that simple-minded that you have to butt your dumb ass into someone else’s business? And I mean this on every scale. Whether you are some small town gossip, to the big ass tabloids, and even to the people who are supposed to aid and protect us in life.

Lets start small town here. Or any town. More like small mind. Lets try my town. Do you know me? You think you do. You hear this, you twist that, and suddenly you are an expert on my life. Then your so-called facts come rolling back to me, and I sit and laugh at how off base you are. Well, laugh is an understatement. Maybe if you actually knew me, you’d be less likely to run your mouth. Scratch that. For two reasons. One, you’d still run your mouth because that is who you are. You seem to get some thrill out of everyone else’s misery. And two, I don’t want to know you. You are not exactly the type of person I want associated with. You joke how you sit around with your friends making fun of me. Really? Haha, awesome. I am so glad to know that I’m that entertaining. Maybe I should get my own reality show. Here’s a reality for you: Who cares what you and your friends are laughing at. If only you knew how other people looked at you. Most likely if you are dishing out the goods to everyone you know, you are trying to cover up all your nasty little quirks. (Like sleeping with your married boss, or cheating on your husband, or, well you get the picture.) Sure, I call one of my close friends when I hear something coming my way. We joke. We laugh. We are evil. But only too each other. It stops there. That is what friends are for. By the way, I’ve never been one of those people who think that certain people are better than others. I feel everyone is equal, it is just what you do with your mind that counts. You are making me reconsider that.

Here is another one for you. You shit for brains pricks who think you are so high and mighty that you lump everyone together, into stereotypes. I usually ignore comments I see in this regard. Yeah, they piss me off, but I am most likely to just sit and stew at the ignorance of those people. Once in a blue moon though, someone might catch me in a mood. The INTERNET is wonderful for this, because I am allowed that instant, respond to the asshole before I think capability. The other day was one of those moments. As I get into this, remember, I am a survivor of domestic violence. I’ve been battling the system for years, trying to get a real life for me and my children. I have seen the system from different angles, at one point working for it, and then having to live on it myself. I was in a MOOD to it’s true form on this day, when some jackass made a comment lumping drug addicts and people on public welfare all together in one nice little bundle of hatred. You may see me cursing on here, and putting things into not so nice wording. But that is here. I sort of use this like I’m talking in my head. When I actually communicate with people, I am pretty reserved. And actually, don’t laugh, some what shy. Ask OffensiveJ. She’s had to deal with my timid ass for 15 years. Anyway, I calmly asked this dude, “so are you lumping everyone on assistance together in that?” Well, he preceded to tell me how EVERYONE on assistance, unless you are a mentally handicapped child, or elderly, should not be allowed any kind of aid. That everyone else were just lazy asses living off everyone else. So I said to him that I know there are a lot of people taking advantage of the system, but they are just making it bad for those trying to honestly get by. He told me that was basically bullshit. I asked him “what about the now single mom, who was a survivor of domestic violence? She didn’t asked to be abandoned or abused, and left with nothing.” And then he goes into this rant about how she could be out working any job possible, and blah blah blah, even in this economy there really is jobs. He also went off on this tirade about how everyone on assistance should be forced to be temporary sterilized. Excuse me? What?! Okay, granted, I feel that if you are on assistance you should be a little more careful on what you are doing thinking, especially when it comes to children. Do you really want to bring more life, into that kind of life? But WTF?! Sterilization?! Taking someone’s freedom. I know there are some stupid people out there having kids for the wrong reasons, but unfortunately that is their choice. Needless to say, I got no where, but extremely irritated with this moron. Then he precedes to tell me how his family has always been well off, and he’d never use public assistance. Well, buddy, I hope for you kids sake, your job and life are pretty damn secure.

Moving on. Did any of you see this case going on with the Walmart/photo/child porn thing. No? Go read it. OMFG!! Okay. Now I know that there are some pretty sick people out there, but this?! Who the hell doesn’t have childhood nude pictures? Or tub pictures? You are a parent. You see your adorable little one covered in bubbles playing happily. Sex is the last thing on your mind. You are only thinking how you want to be able to remember that adorable little face with the blue bath paint splattered everywhere. I guess I don’t know what to think of the Walmart worker here. I would say that common sense developing the pictures should win out. Is it a whole role of naked children? Oh, just some little girls hugging fresh out of the tub in a towel, and a bunch photos of some family fun stuff, vacations… whatever. Hmmmm, these must be child pornographers. Okay, okay, so he was doing his “job.” Then what about the fucking police. I honestly don’t know how it is in other states, or even town further way, but I know in our little town, the children services suck ass. They ignore the cases that are severe and really do need help, because that would mean they actually have to work. Instead, they pick on the little cases, that are usually false info, and terrorize the family. I’ve seen it happen. I got so burnt out working for the social work system in my area that I left in a hurry. I’d rather find another way to attack it. Anyway, that poor family was torn apart and probably scarred for life over someone’s little reaction. Meanwhile, if I do a sex offender search of my area, there are at least 23 in a 30 mile radius. Get a fucking clue! COMMON SENSE! Wait I forgot, that is something of the past.

Take a hint people. Get your own fucking lives. Save the drama for… well, never mind. Don’t save it for her. Reasons being: one, she’s had to deal with you and your drama your entire life. Let the poor woman have some piece; two, if you are the way you are, most likely she is the reason you are that way. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. (thanks Mom)


Drama is my middle name.. scratch that.. DRAMA LOVES TO FIND ME!  Thats much better. 

Many of you know that I frequent a site called Level26 (yes this is a shameless plug for the site too lol) and you know that I’m really dedicated to the site.  Maybe it’s the story, maybe it’s the fact that a kick ass person by the name of Anthony Zuiker runs it and he is by far my favorite celebrity at the moment… Not only because he created one of my FAVORITE TV shows, but because he loves to interact with his Level 26 community!  Granted, with any site you will have controversy and its to be expected, but what you don’t expect is 6th grader drama between everyone.

For the past 3 weeks its been a full-fledged bitch fest about one thing or another.  What doesn’t help is when one person starts it and then everyone else follows their lead.  I’ve never in my life seen so many “pussy whiny bitch tit pieholes” in my life (OK that was something someone called ME the other day).  I was literally embarrassed to be associated with these people the other week.  To the point where I wanted to send Anthony a message saying “OMG, I can’t believe adults are behaving this way.. please forgive them”

So not only is the drama offline… its like 10 times worse online.  It’s like everyone loses all of their common sense as soon as they see a keyboard.  Either that or they become retarded after touching a computer!  Maybe the screen transmits some strange rays from it to the brain of the person sitting there that tells them to become the biggest piece of shit in the entire world!  (that must be it)

What other types of drama do you guys see?  Tell us your worst drama stories… lets see who has the best story!

et cetera